
Ios appstore
Ios appstore


There is still much work to be done, of course, as we continue to align the two versions of App Inventor. And of course a special thanks to Hal Abelson, Mark Friedman, and the other Googlers who had the vision and wherewithal to create App Inventor over a decade ago, and to whose technical prowess the whole App Inventor community is indebted.


Thank you to everyone on the team, past and present, who has helped test and the over 5000 external beta testers who have tried the software and given us feedback. This work would not have been possible without the continued support of all of the App Inventor team members over the years. I particularly would like to thank the staff and students have contributed to the iOS version over the years (in alphabetical order):

ios appstore

If you encounter an issue, please report it.


As part of this effort, we have endeavored to make all existing App Inventor curricula work the same on both the iOS and Android versions so that teachers and students can work in mixed device environments. I am eternally grateful for the effort and perseverance they have put into bringing what began as a simple proof of concept to a fully fledged app. At over 66,000 lines of code, this has been a tremendous undertaking by the team. It is with great pleasure that the App Inventor team announces that the MIT App Inventor companion app for iOS is now generally available on the Apple App Store for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Mac.

Ios appstore